Table of Contents
Mailing Lists
DokuWiki's development is coordinated through multiple Mailinglists hosted by
Using the lists
First you should subscribe to one or several of the mailing lists presented below. After subscribing you can send emails to the list(s) by using the mailing list address stated in its description. If you would rather want to use the mailing list through a news group interface, please read the section News group interface.
If you are new to mailing lists in general, please read RFC 1855 - Netiquette Guidelines, especially the sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. Before you ask any questions you should also have a look at How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.
Please note that these documents are linked here solely for the purpose of information. Their respective authors have nothing to do with DokuWiki and in no case should you send email to them, asking for help related to DokuWiki!
Key Rules
- Don't send your mails as HTML
- When answering, don't quote the whole text. Just leave some context to understand what you are relating to
- Write your answer below the quoted text (this make it easier to follow longer conversations)
- Use meaningful subject lines
- Don't start a new topic by replying to any other list message (this messes up threading)
- Don't CC list members when replying (they would get your mail twice) — hit “reply”, not “reply all”
- Don't use the list for idle chit chat, if your message adds no new information don't send it
A failure to follow the rules might result in a temporary ban from the list without warning.
General Mailing List
This list is used for general discussions on development and usage of DokuWiki with a strong technical focus. End users might want to check out the forum first. The list usually has a traffic of a few Mails per day.
You can subscribe, unsubscribe and change your settings for the general list using a webinterface.
Or you can send a mail to dokuwiki [dash] request [at] freelists [dot] org with one of the following subjects:
to subscribeunsubscribe
to unsubscribe
After subscribing messages can be sent to dokuwiki [at] freelists [dot] org.
The Mailing list archive is available at Here is a list of the latest posts:
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Searching the mailinglist
Possible ways to search the mailinglist:
- (not fully functional yet)
I18N Mailing List
The I18N Mailing List is used to discuss translation and internationalization issues with DokuWiki. It usually has a very low traffic of just a few mails per Month. Translators are highly encouraged to join this list.
Please consider reading more about translations before starting to translate:
You can subscribe, unsubscribe and change your settings for the i18n list using a webinterface.
Or you can send a mail to dokuwiki [dash] i18n [dash] request [at] freelists [dot] org with one of the following subjects:
to subscribeunsubscribe
to unsubscribe
After subscribing messages can be sent to dokuwiki [dash] i18n [at] freelists [dot] org.
The Mailing list archive is available at Here is a list of the latest posts:
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Announcements for new releases
There's no separate announcement for new releases. But DokuWiki has a built in Update Check.
DokuWiki User Forum
The official user forum is available at